Ferdowsi University of Mashhad
Volume 16 (2024)
Volume 15 (2023)
Volume 14 (2022)
Volume 13 (2021)
Volume 12 (2020)
Volume 11 (2019)
Volume 10 (2018)
Volume 9 (2017)
Volume 8 (2016)
Volume 7 (2015)
Volume 5 (2013)
Volume 4 (2012)
Volume 3 (2011)
Volume 2 (2010)
Volume 1 (2009)
The pluripotency feature of cancer cells; product of a harmony or an output of a disharmony

Hesam Dehghani

Volume 6, Issue 2 , January 2014, Pages 50-51


  Pluripotency is a central feature of stem and cancer cells. This feature enables cancer cells to self-renew and trans-differentiate. In this editorial, it is hypothesized that in cancer cells synchronized events rather than segmented procedures may lead to pluripotency.  Read More

Optimizing microRNA quantification in serum samples

Sedigheh Gharbi; Fatemh Mirzadeh; Shahriar Khatrei; Mohammad Reza Soroush; Mahmood Tavallaie; Mohammad Reza Nourani; mehdi Sahmsara; Seyyed Javad Mowla

Volume 6, Issue 2 , January 2014, Pages 52-56


  MicroRNAs constitute a group of small non-coding RNAs that negatively regulate gene expression. Aside from their contribution to biological and pathological pathways, altered expression of microRNAs is reported in bio-fluid samples, such as serum. To employ serum's microRNAs as potential biomarkers, ...  Read More

Genetic analysis of ND4 and ND4L regions of mitochondrial genome in Khorasan native chickens

Morteza Hashemi Attar; Mohammad Reza Nassiri

Volume 6, Issue 2 , January 2014, Pages 99-102


  Preserving genetic diversity of Iranian native chickens is significant in order to perform breeding programs and improved production. Genetic diversity among close populations can be determined by investigating their phylogenetic relations. Different approaches have been applied to determine the phylogenic ...  Read More

Impact of MTHFR and RFC-1 gene in the development of neural tube defect

Rinki Kumari; Aruna Agrawal; Om Prakash Upadhyaya; Gure Prit Inder Singh; Govind Prasad Dubey

Volume 6, Issue 2 , January 2014, Pages 103-104


  Neural tube defects (NTDs) are complex problem of central nervous system including brain and spinal cord. Anencephaly and myelomeningocele are the two most common forms of NTDs. Epidemiological studies reveal that genetic and environmental factors are responsible for the development of NTDs. During embryogenesis ...  Read More

The Application of Organotypic Brain Slice Culture to Study Microglial Differentiation by Lycopersicon esculentum and Sambucus nigra Lectin Histochemistry

Roya Lari; Peter Kitchener

Volume 6, Issue 2 , January 2014, Pages 57-63


  Microglia cells are a subset of central nervous system (CNS) macrophages. Changes in the CNS such as injury, or developmental events, follow by morphological and physiological changes in microglia cells. In this study organotypic brain slice cultures under serum free condition were used to investigate ...  Read More

Analysis of IFN-γ (+874 A/T) and IL-10 (-1082 G/A) genes polymorphisms with risk of schizophrenia.

Dor Mohammad kordi Tamandani; Azizoallah Mojahed; Maryam Najafi

Volume 6, Issue 2 , January 2014, Pages 64-68


  Schizophrenia is a sophisticated mental disability which has affected nearly1.1% of people all over the world. According to recent researches, the key proteins triggered in the immune system are cytokines which might also be taking part in the pathogenesis of schizophrenia. The aim of this study was ...  Read More

A comparative investigation on efficiency of bacteriophage lambda and M13 based vectors for delivering and expression of transgene in eukaryote cells

Elham Abedheydari; Mohammad khalaj-kondori; Mohammad-Ali Hosseinpour-Faizi; Morteza Kosari-Nasab

Volume 6, Issue 2 , January 2014, Pages 69-75


  Gene delivery might be affected by several tribulations based on carrier/vector applied. Bacteriophages lambda and M13 have different genome conformations; linear double-stranded and circular single-stranded respectively. Therefore, it might be expected that these two common classes of gene delivery ...  Read More

Neuronal differentiation of mouse amnion membrane derived stem cells in response to neonatal brain conditioned medium.

ُSheida Shahraki; Hanieh Jalali; Kazem Parivar; Nasim Hayati Roudbari; Mohammad Nabiuni; Zahra Heidari

Volume 6, Issue 2 , January 2014, Pages 76-82


  Background: Amniotic membrane derived stem cells (AMSCs) have considerable advantages to use in regenerative medicine and their anti- inflammatory effects, growth factor secretion and differentiation potential make them suitable candidates for stem cell therapy of nervous system. The developing and neonatal ...  Read More

Designing a SYBR Green Absolute Real time PCR Assay for Specific Detection and Quantification of Bacillus subtilis in Dough Used for Bread Making

Seyed Ali Mortazavi; Ahmad Reza Bahrami; Balal Sadeghi; Maryam Moghaddam Matin

Volume 6, Issue 2 , January 2014, Pages 83-92


  In present study, a SYBR green based real time PCR assay was developed for specific detection and quantification of Bacillus subtilis in dough used for bread making. New primer pairs were designed to amplify a 212 base pair fragment of the aprE gene. Specificity of these primer pairs was confirmed with ...  Read More

Cytogenetic study and pollen viability of three populations of Diplotaxis harra (Brassicaceae) in Iran

Massoud Ranjbar; Somayeh Karami

Volume 6, Issue 2 , January 2014, Pages 93-98


  In this study, we examined the chromosome number, detailed male meiosis, microsporogenesis, pollen fertility and distribution of cytotypes of Diplotaxis harra (Forssk.) Boiss. This is the first cytogenetic report of the taxon. The two of the populations scored now from regions of the central showed aneuploid ...  Read More